
Perfection & Appreciation


Long ago, in a small village lived a stone carver, who made his living by carving boulders and filling in life into a stone. By habit, he used to keep a few samples of his work for display on the side ways of the road which was used by not many but the villagers themselves, who knew of him and his ability.

Once the King, of whose kingdom was the village as an entity, happened to pass by the road and took notice of the display.
Impressed by the worksmenship the King asked his messenger to express the King's desire of getting the stone carving done at the temple under construction.
Deligthed with the King's request, the craftsman spent next few months tirelessly, round the clock, in carving many Gods and Godessess on the Stone, all his work was appreciated and soon he became the King's favourite - Raja Shilpi.
As a part of the next assignment, the craftsman was asked to make the idol of a God to be placed on a Flag Pole (Dwajashambam) which was to be erected in front of the temple, about 20 feet high.
The craftsman went all out to get the best boulder to start his work and after many days and nights into the structuring, he finally sent a confirmation to the King stating that the Idol of the God is ready for the further course of action.
The King inspected the idol keenly and as an appreciation to the work, gifted the village to the craftsman from which he hails. All was set to speeden the process.
The night, before unveiling the idol, the craftsman sent an apology to the King and requested not to consider the Idol for Installation and also returned back all the goodies he recieved for his work.
When enquired by the King, the craftsman pointed out to a small scar on the Idol's face to which the King replied - "At 20 feet high, this scar on the Idol's Face will catch whose attention, Why do you want me not to consider the Idol for Installation" for which the craftsman said - "I will be the sole survivor to have known the error, yet when ever i see the temple, while other applaud, i will be constantly reminded of the flaw i made and will never be able to enjoy my work"
The story goes on...
"Perfection is Best Judged by Self"
Shared it because i liked reading it.

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