
Thoughts have power to heal you

Take care of your thoughts! For thoughts have power over the body; they have an almost instantaneous effect on the glands of the body. That is why we often say that when we think of a delicious dessert or a favourite dish, we begin to salivate — the salivary glands, in this case, are activated by mere thought. Be conscious of your thoughts. Our minds today are full of wrong thoughts, negative thoughts. We allow our minds to be filled with thoughts of illness, pain, disease, thoughts of passion, pride, lust,greed, hatred, and resentment, thoughts of ill-will, envy and jealousy.
With such thoughts darkening our hearts and minds, how can we expect to be healthy and happy? A healthy mind is a healthy body: this has become a clichéd expression.
But, like so many clichés, it reminds us of a neglected truth: One cannot enjoy physical well-being without mental well-being. Nutritious food, fresh air, regular exercise, good habits, clean environment,and sober lifestyle are all essential to our well-being;but the right attitude, the right state of mind and right thinking are indispensable.
For man is not just the body: he is a composite of body, mind, intellect and spirit. Great thinkers and philosophers down the ages have different views on several issues but they have agreed unanimously on one point — we become what we think. It was Emerson who said,“A man is what he thinks about all day long. ” The Bible tells us the same thing:“As man thinks in his heart, so is he. ”Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman thinker, puts it this way:“A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.
” I have met some people who make their aliments and disabilities into a veritable calling card. They flaunt their diseases almost like badges of honour. The polite greeting,“How are you?” is enough to make them launch into a litany of their numerous bodily afflictions. Such an attitude acts as a resistance to the healing energy that is available to us all. When we wallow in our misery and pain, we are only clinging to them. Such people are constantly focusing on disharmony and disease.
In an inspiring book called The Power Of Intention,Wayne W Dyer, tells us that if we wish to be healthy, we must stop seeing ourselves as the physical body and immerse ourselves in the idea of absolute well-being. “Breathe only wellness,” he writes, “think only perfect health, and detach from all appearances of illness in this world. ”This will generate a dynamic aura of wholeness which will saturate your being and animate your thoughts until you feel and breathe and give out nothing but well-being and wholeness.
We must always be aware of negative thoughts, negative energies which interfere with the natural flow of positive energy into our lives. This resistance is in our thoughts. Any thought of doubt or fear or anxiety is a thought that resists healing. These thoughts must be consciously pushed aside. Positive, optimistic, healing thoughts must be activated in their place. Such thoughts that are energetic and in tune with wholeness and well-being, will allow good health to infuse your life.

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