
Significance of Names of Bhagawan Shiva(Mahadev)


  • Mritunjaya: This name appears in Tripura Tapini Upanishad, Canto 4, verse no. 1. Mritunjaya refers to the one who has triumphed over death, conquering its hold. 
  • Aghor: Aghor is found in Pashupatabrahma Upanishad, Purva Kanda, verse no. 10. It signifies the most fierce, terrible, formidable, and unconventional form of the Supreme Being, existing mysteriously. 
  • Ishan: Ishan is explained in Atharvashirsa Upanishad, representing Shiva as the greatest, most wise, and exalted among the Gods in the entire creation. He is the Supreme god of creation. 
  • Maheshwar/ Sharav: According to sharabha Upanishad, verse no. 34, Shiva is referred to as Maheshwar because he bestows Mukti or Moksha, providing deliverance from worldly attachments. 
  • Shambhu: Atharvashikha Upanishad identifies him as Shambhu, signifying his serene and composed nature even in the face of challenging circumstances. He possesses profound knowledge of truth and consciousness. 
  • Mamritaat: Tripura Tapini Upanishad, Canto 4, verse no. 6, calls Shiva 'Mamritaat' as his devotees attain the elixir of life, granting them eternal and imperishable existence. They become one with Shiva himself

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