
Power of prayer

Prayer is an earnest hope or a wish, a request for help or expression of thanks made to God. Among all the means of salvation recommended by Jesus Christ in the Gospel, the first place is given to prayer. It is said that our prayers are so dear to God that he appointed angels to present them to him as soon as we express them. We learn by reading and meditating, but we obtain the grace to do it by prayer. Gayatri Mantra originated with the creation of the earth. Lord Brahma, creator, got this mantra by a divine voice.
It is said that because of this that Brahma got the power of creation. The Gayatri Mantra says, “Oh God! Thou art the giver of life, remover of pain and sorrow, the bestower of happiness. Oh! Creator of the universe, may we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, may thou guide our intellect in the right direction. ” Yasin Sherif is a favourite prayer of Muslims. This particular surah is devoted to the Holy Prophet and the revelation that he brought. The abbreviated letters Yasin are usually construed as a title of the Holy Prophet, but it is not permissible to be dogmatic about the meaning of the abbreviated letter.
This surah is considered to be ‘the heart of the Quran’ as it concerns the central figure in the teaching of Islam and the central doctrine of revelation and the hereafter. The prayer of a humble soul penetrates the heavens and presents itself before the throne of God and departs not without God’s looking on it and hearing it. Families that pray together stay together.

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