
Spirituality is really love in action

Spirituality means love in action. It means enjoying our spiritul riches and sharing them with all we meet.

We can learn to balance our spiritual practices with our worldly responsibilities, enjoying the fruits within ourselves and sharing our gifts with others. We can attain self-knowledge and God-realisation in the context of modern life. We can lead a productive, fulfilling life in the world while working towards spiritual ends. Leading an ethical life of non-violence, truthfulness, purity and humility, we can enjoy the fruits we gain within, in our meditation practice, and share these gifts with all we meet. Spirituality is the recognition that our true self is soul, and when we identify with our soul, we come to realise our oneness with God. There are some points you can follow in order to gain spiritual knowledge. View the world's great spiritual traditions as so many branches of the same divine tree rooted in one Divinity. With such an approach, you could pursue higher knowledge even while remaining in your own religion
. Religion has two dimensions. There is the outer dimension and then there is the inner dimension. When you focus on the inner dimension, wherein lies the deep spiritual essence known as mysticism
, you begin to look beyond rites, rituals, and scriptural knowledge. You now are able to pursue spiritual realisation as a matter of first-hand inner experience. Our true self is soul. Within each of us is a soul, a great spiritual potential created in God's image and likeness. This soul and not the body and mind with which we now identify ourselves with, is our real self. What is the purpose of life? The true purpose of life is to reconnect with your soul. Life's supreme goal ^ the achievement to which all saints, prophets, and mystics summon us is to regain our lost identity as soul. From this experience flows a peace that is not dependent on life's circumstances. And this is a profound peace that is eternal. his experience is the true source of the happiness that we all crave. Meditation is the surest way to spiritual growth. This goal is not metaphorical or based on feelings or suppositions. It is as a matter of personal, verifiable experience. Meditation leads to a progressive unfolding of the higher self, with concrete goals and milestones along the way. Studying with someone who has mastered the subject that you wish to learn accelerates your learning process. In spirituality it is no different. By virtue of their own inner awakening, genuine gurus could awaken others. Spirituality is life-affirming. Spirituality does not demand that we renounce our families or societies. Spirituality implies just the opposite. Your inner life is not separate from your outer life. So lead a normal life, striving for excellence in your work, personal and community life. We call this balancing of outer and inner lives as positive mysticism. As we advance within through meditation and behold God's Light within us, we see that same light shining in others. As a consequence of that realisation, a natural spirit of love and compassion becomes the hallmark of our outer lives. The deepest values of every great spiritual tradition are love for God, compassion and service for God's creation, and a daily life imbued with ethical values. Haven't these always been the aspiration of every spiritual seeker, ancient or modern?

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