
learn to extend your wings

 No matter how much trouble a man is in his life, no matter how much pain there is in his life... Spiritually he is made to fly.

When we face storms in our life, at that time we just need to spread our wings more and more. Sometimes life is testing us….we keep getting caught in the problems of our life. We can see our problems as burdens and if we want to, we can also consider them as opportunities for ourselves. 

 Our problems bring us some benefits that we fail to see. It is also possible that the same problems are bringing some great opportunities in our life.

 God sometimes gives our wings too so that we become stronger and learn to fight the difficulties of our life.

Napoleon said, "Until you spread your wings, you will never know how high you can fly."

 Many a times, it is our problems that guide us, they use them to test us or to guide us on the right path, because even pain and failures give us great lessons.

 Perhaps through these problems God saves us from great obstacles. He also uses them to make us whole as a whole.

 We can find wings for ourselves in difficult times.

 For some, spiritual flight means freedom from the fear that prevents us from doing anything for others. God creates stressful and sometimes painful situations to propel us forward, so that we learn to fly out of our comfort zones.

When we find ourselves in difficult situations, most of us get buried under the weight of those situations. Whereas it may be God's will that we learn to take risks by getting out of our natural environment.

 Once we learn to fly, we must always keep an eye on the sky and move forward. We should always look ahead and look at the situation from the divine point of view.

 God has given us the strength to face difficult situations. For example, participants running in a race have to pass through many obstacles. If we do not learn to overcome those obstacles, we will never win that race. We will always feel lost, but if we find ourselves free from within, then we will be able to see the way ahead from those problems clearly and will also be able to walk that path with full courage.

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