
Dharma, The Buddha Way

Dharma is what the Buddha taught. It is the way of understanding and love - how to understand, how to love, how to make understanding and love into real things. Before the Buddha passed away, he said to his students, “Dear people, my physical body will not be here tomorrow, but my teaching body will always be here to help. You can consider it as your own teacher, a teacher who never leaves you.” That is the birth of Dharmakaya. The Dharma has a body also, the body of the teaching, or the body of the way. As you can see, the meaning of Dharmakaya is quite simple…it just means the teaching of the Buddha, the way to realise understanding and love.
 Anything that can help you wake up has Buddha nature. When I am alone and a bird calls me, I return to myself, I breathe, and I smile, and sometimes it calls me once more. I smile and I say to the bird, “I hear already.” Not only sounds, but sights can remind you to return to your true self.

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