
Four Kinds Of Thoughts

The mind has primarily two qualities: thinking and recollection. Thoughts are also of various types: first, thoughts regarding the existing environment; second, thoughts regarding past environment; third, thoughts without any environment; and fourth, fantastic thoughts.
    The first category of thoughts relates to environment in which one is living, for instance, the earth, grass, trees and plants, rocks and stones, friends and foes. Seated in the examination hall, the students think only about their question papers. These are all thoughts concerning the existing environment. The second category is thoughts of past environment. When a rich man
faces difficulty and is compelled to eat stale rice and gourd, then naturally he thinks about delicious food at home. A student who once stood first in class, but who later fails in his examinations, sighs and remembers his achievements of the past. These are thoughts concerning past environments.
    The third is thoughts having no environment. When someone is in a disagreeable situation, passing his
days in great misery and suffering, then he paints brightly dreams and launches imaginary balloons in his mental sky. In the dazzling light of his mental world, his mind starts glimmering.
    There is still another type of thought which we may call “fantastic thoughts”. The substance of any thought is not divorced from the real world; that is, whatever people see in imaginationor think in contemplation, the materials of these thoughts are all collected from the external world. People cannot think of anything which they have not previously seen or perceived with their sense organs. This is the greatest imperfection of the human mind.
    One of the qualitative differences between
the unit mind and cosmic mind is this: all thoughts of the macrocosm are original, each one is constantly new. The macrocosm does not need to receive anything from the external world through sense organs. Even the minutest fraction of any cosmic thought is completely novel. No two human faces are exactly the same; no two entities are identical in any respect. Because of this all-embracing originality of the macrocosm, there are no identical entities anywhere in this universe. They may be similar, but not identical.
    When people mentally combine some part or whole of an entity, with a part or whole of another entity, and then with a part or whole of still another entity – and, by blending all of these component parts, create an altogether
new entity in their imagination, this is called “fantastic thought”. Greedy people, in the hope of accumulating more wealth, and that too without any hardship, imagine a goddess who will bestow wealth on them. Students, who do not want to labour hard to acquire knowledge, imagine a god bestowing knowledge on them.
    All human imagination is based on elements collected from the
external world. People cannot think an original thought; that is, they cannot think of anything which does not actually exist in the fundamental world. Only Parama Purusha can do so. Hence when people create imaginary idols out of fear, greed, or any other propensity, none of those is original and none has even tanmatrik existence, much less material existence. Had Parama Purusha conceived of those idols, they would have had physical existence, but in that case also, they would not have had absolute existence, because only Parama Purusha has absolute existence; other things are merely imaginations of imaginations.

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