
A Life Of Complete Grace

Adazzling display of fine enamel work caught the eye of many visitors, at an exhibition recently. The stall keeper was explaining the difference between two bowls. One was made of alloy and the other of brass. The brass bowl could reflect objects placed before it. The bowl made of alloy, though smooth and radiant, was unable to reflect any object. I was immediately reminded of Adi Sankara’s eighth verse in the Jeevanmukti Annada Lahari:
    “A silent one among the silents, virtuous among the virtuous, a scholar amidst scholars.
Suffering among the suffering, joyous among the joyful, a contented man in the company of pleasure seekers because he has attained all pleasures. A fool in the company of fools, a youth when he is with the young women. Eloquent among men of eloquence, such a man is blessed indeed in theworld; whoever he is the one who is avadhoota amidst avadhootas (saints free of attachments).” To have the quality of reflecting your surroundings you must have cleansed all grit and grime out of your mind, thoughts and inner space. Without removing the impurities – however glossy and brilliant the surface is – you will not be able to reflect as well as the one who has removed all traces of impurities from his system. It is as though the very identity that you cultivate through learning and education has to be taken out, ultimately, to achieve a blemish-free state.
    As the verse above suggests an awakened individual is one who is fluid, pliable and accommodative. Take a coconut and throw it into the water. However it is thrown, the coconut rights itself and floats. Similarly, an awakened person will also adapt to situations
and surroundings. The individuality is for functioning and not to project a self-portrait as a constant reiteration of your importance.
    The process of keeping yourself pliant and supple is called “antah karana shuddhi”, cleansing the inner instrument, the mind. The mind serves as the gateway to Selfrealisation and also the getaway to a selfimposed identification.
    The practice of antah karana shuddhi is what a seeker, a sadhak has to adopt to reach the sadhya,the goal. The goal is not separated by time or space but only by ignorance. The practice of antah karana shuddhi is to dissolve ignorance, the limited identity, to
allow the Self to be reflected. Knowing the Self is being one with Creation, with all beings, with myself. There is no longer any sense of emptiness or separation.
    Reading and studying the Upani
shads under the guidance of a Preceptor, reflecting and contemplating on their declarations, meditating, performing pranayama, engaging in work for common benefit, charity and non-violence of thought, speech and deed, daily prayer, a life of probity – these are some of the disciplines you can take up for your daily application to further spiritual growth.
    An individual of completeness, who is one with all, is now a reflection of billions of lives; one who is no longer separate from Creation but who is an intrinsic part of Totality! He is one with the Self, one with the Truth; there is no more you and me, i and they. Such a person is the reflection of happiness, rather, is – even Bliss Itself !

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