
Faith And Harmony For All

Once Sri Ramakrishna asked Mahendranath Gupta, who wrote Kathamrita, whether he believed in a nirakar (formless) God or a sakar God (with form). When Mahendranath said that he preferred the formless one, the master replied, “Okay. It is alright if one believes in one of them. Belief in formless is well and good. But do not think that this is the only truth and that everything else is false. You should know that the formless is true and ‘with form’ is also true. Whatever you believe, just hold onto that.” In the context of communal harmony, it might be instructive to recall what he said: “Jato mat tato
path” – “As there are a number of beliefs, there are a number of ways”.
In Kathamrita, Ramakrishna said: “The goal of life is attainment of God…God is the object, other things are non-objects, attainment of God is the goal of life.” But he has also analysed the material world’s different problems and limitations with compassion. He has said, “Doing meditation while living in the midst of the material world is difficult. There are many obstructions. That needs no mention – disease, grief, poverty, conflicts at home and work. But there is a way. One has to pray in solitude, some effort has to be made to attain God.” He has also taught his worldly devotees that according to individual capacity one could remain in solitude away from the household or family for three days or 12 days or one month or three months or one year.
We find a harmonious integration of devotion and liberal mentality in Ramakrishna’s thoughts. He would say, “If one has vyakulata or keenness, God can be attained through all the paths. But maintaining devotion is desirable.” The master broadly believed that all types of beliefs are naturally subjective and their place is above logic and reason but he never neglected logical reasoning. He said: “Don’t indulge in unnecessary debate and reasoning. But discuss and decide correctly what is nitya or perpetual and what is anitya or temporary.”
According to Ramakrishna, family life should be lived for attaining vivek-vairagya or conscience and detachment. If one lives in the worldly sea after putting in the turmeric of conscience and detachment, then one need not fear the crocodile of passion and anger. Correct judgment is conscience. God is the only true and perpetual object – all others are untrue and temporary. This feeling and deep love and attraction for God are desirable.
Ramakrishna also believed that Brahmn and Shakti are one. You cannot believe in one and not the other. They can only be conceived together. These thoughts of his had profound influence on the leaders of the Brahmosamaj like Keshabchandra Sen and Bijoykrishna Goswami. According to Ramakrishna the Vedas, Puranas and tantric texts have all propounded the same Sachchidananda. He also believed in the harmony that is hidden in the apparently contradictory philosophies of dvaita, advaita and vishishta-advaita. And he found harmony in the paths of gyana, bhakti and karma yogas.
Last but not the least, Ramakrishna believed that irrespective of religion and faith, all persons pay their respects and pray to the same God. Hence no religion or faith should be hated. By whatever name or way one prays, if one remembers God with intimate attention and sincerity, one can definitely attain the closest proximity to God.

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