
Patience is the key to success

The biggest problem that the modern youth faces is that he expects to get very high returns from minimal effort. Impatience, haste and greed are some of the main reasons why youngsters fail to achieve their goals these days. Here is a story that demonstrates how impatience and haste can lead to disastrous results: Once upon a time there were two brothers who were priests in a village. They spent equal time at the temple. The elder brother lacked patience and had the tendency of spending more time inside the temple, so as to earn more donations from the devotees. However, the younger brother was not interested in earning money with trickery as he believed that God was watching everything. One day, it started raining very heavily and the river that flowed close to the temple breached its banks. The two brothers reached the temple quickly to save the idol and expensive ornaments before the temple was flooded.
Then the two brothers climbed to the top of the temple and started praying to god. As the water level started rising, the elder brother started getting more and more nervous but the younger brother requested the elder brother to have faith and not to panic. As the water level continued rising steadily, the elder brother became more and more impatient.

As the water level reached their feet, the impatient elder brother told the younger brother, "There is no God to save us. I will swim and save myself. You can sit here and wait for God". The elder brother jumped into the water and tried to swim away. But the current of the water was very strong and he drowned. The younger brother, on the other hand, continued his prayers and within a short span of time a boat reached the spot and rescued him. The elder brother had lost his life due to his impatience and haste.

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