
Why is it important to have charanamrit? (OM)

It is believed that visiting a temple helps us get rid of stress and stay calm. It is important that one should never go to the temple empty handed and should not leave the temple without having charanamrit.

According to Hindu scriptures:

Akalmrutyuharan sarvavyadhivinashanam
Vishno padodkam pitva punarjanma na vidhate

It is believed that water offered to Lord Vishnu helps wash off all our sins and has medicinal value too. This water is considered holy and is consumed after touching it with our forehead.

Ayurveda says, water kept in bronze ware contains medicinal value and has the ability to get rid of much illness. The basil leaves in it boosts our immunity and protects us from illness. It is believed that the charanamrit with basil helps improve memory.

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