
Science Of Brahm

The true nature of Creator and Creation was first glimpsed by some gifted individuals through contemplation in the Indic region: “Aham Brahmasmi. Tat Tvam Asi.” — I am part of Brahma, the Creator and you are also that; that is, Creation and Creator comprise an inseparable oneness. The creator Brahma permeates all space and time thereby upholding and administering the fundamental aspects of creation, Brahmn or universal consciousness. It is indeed evident that Brahma and Brahmn are anchored in modern science.

The discovery of minute changes in the microwave background radiation through the WMAP satellite speaks volumes about our universe. Everything, from the Milky Way to the largest structures, originates from “quantum seeds”. Evidently, quantum physics and cosmology are inextricably intertwined.

Infinite Dynamism
Empty space devoid of matter is a vacuum. Oddly, it is not empty. According to quantum theory, it is the seat of nature’s infinite dynamism due to the presence of what physicists call quantum fields. How did we come to realise the existence of vacuum quantum fields? We learn as children that every snowflake is different, but one of the most mysterious aspects of quantum physics is that elementary particles, such as electrons, are absolutely identical everywhere in the universe, no matter when or where they originate. The amount of their mass, electric charge, and spin are always exactly the same whether they are created in the lab or in space.

The mystery of the matching particles was solved when physicists determined that underlying quantum fields embedded in vacuum give birth to elementary particles. The quantum field theory, was the foundation of this revelation. As Nobel laureate and physicist Franck Wilczek sums it up, “In quantum field theory, the primary elements of reality are not individual particles, but underlying fields. Thus, all electrons are but excitations of an underlying field, naturally called the electron field, which fills all space and time.” The same holds true for all the fundamental particles required for the functioning of the universe.

Space-time Fabric
The ubiquitous primary quantum fields uphold the structural spacetime fabric of our universe while administering its fundamental aspects. Their most mystifying property is that they are able to keep their fidelity to be the same on a universal scale at all times. According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the quantum fields are always active, namely, they are fluctuating frenetically at all points in space in an unpredictable way. Yet on an average, they have remained the same everywhere, at all times.

Most things in the life of the universe are always changing. As space has expanded, temperature has dropped from its extreme high to mere 2.73 degrees above zero today. Matter has clumped to form galaxies and stars. Yet the primary quantum fields have not changed at all; they remain exactly the same as before the expansion of space.

Partial Answer
Perhaps the string theory, if proven right, can provide a partial answer. We know from Einstein’s equations that space expands in a manner as if every point in the universe is its centre and each centre point is moving away from each other. This would be consistent with the string theorists’ contention that an element of space has the smallest possible size and space expands by cloning each of its elements.

Cloned elements of space will come with their own quantum fields as in the primordial element. Thus, the field will be the same at each point of space no matter how small or large the universe is.

What keeps the fidelity of the fields intact in such a vast universal scale for all times, when they are in fact always energetically fluctuating randomly at each point? A scientist’s answer might be: The self-interacting dynamics of the non-abelian gauge fields, abetted by quantum entanglement, could be responsible for universal coherence. Does it not appear as some sort of self-referral akin to Self-awareness, embedded in the primary reality of the universe?

Roger Penrose forcefully argues the existence of an as yet undiscovered physical process embedded in primary reality. Because of this feature, a quantum particle while emerging from the microscopic dimension to our macroscopic domain is able to choose a particular outcome from a set of possible probabilities.

Penrose contends further that the mysteries of quantum behaviour and our awareness are linked. He proposes that our brain has somehow contrived to harness this same attribute to evoke our own awareness. Would it not then be cogent to call this feature of primary reality putative awareness? Could this same putative awareness be responsible for keeping the fidelity of the vacuum quantum fields in a cosmic scale for all times?

Single Source
The 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded, in the Nobel committee’s words, “for advances towards the theory of everything.” This theory has the audacious goal to show that at least everything physical in this universe comes from a single source.

According to quantum field theory, physics at very high temperatures typical at the creation of the universe is, in an approximate sense, equivalent to physics at nature’s fundamental unit of length, called the Planck length.

When we extrapolate our laboratory measurements to high temperatures (or equivalently to Planck length) using the highly successful quantum field theory, the strength of interactions of all the forces becomes equal. Again quoting Nobelist Wilczek, “From its much inferior strength at accessible energies, gravity ascends to equality with the other interactions at roughly the Planck scale…. Even in the absence of a detailed theory, we find here a concrete, semiquantitative indication that all of the basic forces arise from a common source.”

Super Symmetry
In addition to the basic forces, the common source that Wilczek refers to also includes various matter fields, such as the electron field. The matter fields package energy into fundamental particles, while the force fields use them as building blocks to generate everything in this universe.

What unifies all of those force fields and matter fields to constitute the common source Wilczek refers to? It is presumed to be facilitated by nature’s highest possible symmetry, called supersymmetry. At or near the Planck scale, all quantum fields are believed to behave as merely different aspects of one field, a singular source for everything in this universe including all of us.

At the ordinary scale of our daily world, all the quantum fields with their separate identities permeate every point in space. It would be logical to surmise that all symmetries are restored at Planck’s length everywhere and all fields are as singular and transcendent as the source near the very fabric of space.

Thus, we have some convincing evidence revealing that the Source of us and the universe is not hard to find, rather it is impossible to avoid since it is always with us everywhere. Is it not the scientific face of the abstract Brahmn?

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