

The basic objective of a manager is to secure from his subordinates an optimum performance toward accomplishment of the predetermined objectives. The subordinates on their part would be able to put in such performance if the following conditions are present, namely, (a) they possess the ability,Le., knowledge and skills to carry out the tasks assigned to them: (b) they are willing to expend the necessary effort to carry out those tasks; and (c) there is an opportunity available to them for their abilities and efforts to be used in meaningful ways. This may be stated by means of the following equation :
Performance = Ability x Effort x Opportunity
Performance, whether of an individual or a group of individuals, is determined when the three factors of ability, effort and opportunity are taken together. Ability without effort is of no avail. Effort without ability cannot achieve much. And ability and effort in the absence of opportunity will only cause frustration.
Ability means knowledge and skill and technological capabilities. It is a pointer to the extent to which performance is possible. Effort is related to needs, motives, expectations, goals and rewards. It is a pointer to the extent to which a person is willing to exert mentally and physically. Opportunity makes it possible for ability and effort to be used in a meaningful way.
It is a matter of common experience that there is often variation in individual effort and performance even though people with similar capabilities are working in identical situations. Some people are more effective and efficient in accomplishing the assigned tasks, than others. Variation in individual effort and performance is attributable to the extent to which a person feels motivated to expend mental and physical effort to accomplish the given task.
Meaning of "Motive" and "Motivation"
Motive may be defined as the mainspring, or the "why and wherefore" of any effort on the part of any individual or group of individuals. It refers to the states and processes of mind, needs, wants, desires, values, and expectations. Thus, if one knows what a person feels and how he thinks, it should be possible 10 predict how that person will behave in a given situation.
"Motivation" refers to goal-directed behaviour. It means what a person will choose to do when several alternatives are available to him. It also refers to the strength of his behaviour after he has exercised the choice, and the persistence with which he will engage in such behaviour.

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